Thursday 9 October 2014

Positive Perseverance!


As a school, we are having a big push on perseverance and teaching children that perseverance is an important learning behaviour to help us be successful in the classroom! 

We held a competition to design a character (a very cute ant was the winner) to represent perseverance and I have now been looking for video clips and images to display to promote this.

As Mrs. Laffin's Laughings hosts Positive Thinking Thursday every week, I thought I would link up to share some of the thoughts I have stumbled across so far!

(Please click on the images to take you to the sites where I found them!)

(Not sure about this one as I do need the work done in the time I set!)

If you know of any great video clips/animations or other images/inspirational thoughts to help me encourage perseverance in the classroom then please leave a comment below! 

Don't gorget to link up for Positive Thinking Thursday!



  1. I like the idea of having a perseverance mascot! I may have to see about doing that with my class! :)

    Mrs. Spangler in the Middle

  2. Students will encounter many challenges in their school years. Perseverance is a necessary trait! We have lots of inspirational posters in our TpT and Etsy shops.
    ~Paul Anton
    Promoting Success Blog
